Short Answer Type Question
Q.1. Why should one treat Shakespeare ,Rapleal , Beethoven etc.
Ans We should treat Shakespeare, Raphale, Beethoven etc. important because they have produced beautiful things. Their plays, paintings and music are a sign of civilization and they give us joy.
Q2. Why does Joad think that Caliphs and Princes in the Arabian Nights were not civilized ?
Ans. Prof. Joad thinks that Caliphs and Princes in the Arabian Nights were not civilized. The reason is that the splendid and costly things possessed and enjoyed by them were not things permanent beauty.
Q3. What according to Joad are beautiful things?
Ans. Prof. Joad has given his idea of beautiful things. In his opinion only those things which are liked and loved by all the beautiful. Making of beautiful things means ‘art’.
Q4. What are the essential elements of civilizations?
Ans. The essential elements of civilization in the lesson ‘A Dialogue on Civilization’ are :
(i) thinking freely, (ii) leisure, (iii) security, (iv) obeying laws and society.
Q5. How does Joad describe the life style of Calphs and Princess in the Arabina Nights ? Were they civilized or not ?
Ans. The ‘Arabian Nights’ is a famous story – book of Arabia. The Princes and Caliphs of the book were not civilized because they only enjoyed their lives but they did nothing good for humanity.
Q6. Why do people hesitate to think and act differently from others ?
Ans. People hesitate to think and act differently from others because they are afraid of priests and gods and do not like to be civilized for thinking and act differently from others.
Q7. What are the three things necessary to free thinking as described in ‘A Dialogue on Civilization’?
Ans. The three necessary conditions for free thinking are given below :
1. Security is very essential. It is the foremost condition. People cannot think freely if they live in fear. Fear makes a man worried.
2. The people should have leisure to think freely. If they are always busy to earn their living, they cannot get time to think about new ideas.
3. People must have a social circle to speak of their new ideas.
Q8. What according to C.E.M. Joad is the proper definition of being civilized ?
Ans. According to C.E.M. Joad, true civilization cannot proper without free thinking, security, leisure and peaceful society.