Question- What disturbed the calm of prince Siddharth, s mind
Ans- On resding the inspiring the long poem “ The Light Of Asia” by “Sir Edwin Arnold” we came to know that Prince Siddhartha was the son of Suddhodhana , the of the city of Kapilvastu , in the childhood of the prince king Suddhodhana provide him a peaceful palace living in the peaceful palace . Provided by king Suddhodhana , the prince Siddhartha was the hero of the poem was passing the day of life comfortably in the company of the beautiful wife Yashodara . he was feeling limitless joy in his heart because everything of luxury was available in the pleasurful palace .sorrows and pains were not allowed in the pleasurful palace ,like an innocent child ,he was out of worldly knowledge .he know neither old age nor sickness nor death nor pain nor need .
One day Prince Siddhartha was sitting in the room of the pleasurful palace with his young companions .in the same time an incident took place .suddenly a guest of wind came from the right direction and entered in to the room through the window .by chance a musical instrument called Veena’ was lying on the window still. The guest of wind touched the string of the Veena so a sweat and melodious music came out from theVeena , lying on the window sell . These people who were sitting around prince Siddhartha heard only sweet music but prince Siddhartha realized as through Devtas were playing on Veena .
Playing on Veena devtas were giving a message to Prince Siddhartha . in the message they were warning him that he was born for the shake of humanity ,not to pass the days of his life comfortably in the pleasurful palace . in the massage ,Devtas told Prince Siddhartha that in the absence of religion and faith ,humanity is crying outside of pleasurful place but there was none to help the needy and painful . in the absence of wisdom the people of all over the world were in dark they did not know the reality of life because they all were selfish and self centered . on hearing the message given by Devtas prince Siddhartha was not only disturb but also he felt uneasy in his mind .
On day ,while he was sitting with his beautiful wife Yashodara ,Chitra the maid servant of prince Siddharthatold him a story .in the story from the tongue of Chitra , prince Siddhartha desired to ride on the magic horse so Chitra
Was forced to tell him that there was no reality in magic horse . they reply from the tongue of Chitra gave him discomfort and uneasiness .
On that night While Prince Siddhartha was sleeping with his beautiful wife YSashodara he suddenly cried out,
“My World !O World ! I hear ! I Know ! I Come !” on hearing the cry Yashodhara sleeping besides him work up any made him awake .she asked the reason of his cry at the time of midnight .since prince Siddhartha loved his wife very much ,he began to smile and told her that it was nothing but a dream so that she might feel consolation in her heart .
In nut shell ,the message given by Devtas in Venna and the story from the tongue of Chitra disaturbed the calm of
Siddhartha mind even in the pleasurful palace.
Q2- Describe the first visit of Prince Siddhartha?
Ans - After the decoration of the city of kapilvastu Prince Siddhartha was allowed to go outside of the pleasurful palace so a beautiful chariot driver by four oxen of white colour was well decorated Prince Siddhartha sat in the middle of the chariot moved forward , the main gate of the pleasuful palace was opened .
As and when the Chariot moved forword outside of the palace the public storedom on the bothside of the road was smiling and laughing and they all were throwing the garland of the flower anf buckets of flowers on the chariot of the Prince ,Among them there was a boy of seven who was also laughing and smiling and throwing and garland ,of flowers on the chariot of the Prince .seeing the pleasuful of Prince Siddhartharemarked . “Really the world was joyful”.
With Channa Prince Siddhartha made a tour throughout the city and stay decoration of the city of Kapilvastu . the Decoration of the city draw the eyes of Prince Siddhartha to words itself .
Seeing the Beauty of the city Prince Siddhartha called out “Really the world was Beautiful” AT end of his first visit Prince Siddhartha saw an old man ,learning on his stick and putting in torn clothes ,seeing an old man ,crossing the road , Prince Siddhartha asked Channa What that objects was Channa the Chariot of the Prince
Told that object was nothing but an old man .
On hearing the reply from the tongue of Channa Prince Siddhartha was deeply moved with pity the misery of old man touches the soft coat of his heart he at once ordered Channa to return the pleasurful palace again .
Thus , in brief this was the first visit of Prince Siddhartha to the city of Kapilvastu .
Q3- It is enough to mine eyes have seen enough who say and why ,OR
Reproduce the feeling of Prince Siddhartha after seeing the stick old and dead man
Ans- Prince Siddhartha , the son of king Sudhodhana lived in a pleasurful palace like an innocent child .he was passing the days of life with his beautiful wife Yashidhara and young companions .he was out of worldly knowledge .he knew neither old age ,nor disease, nor death ,nor pain ,nor want ,nor need in the palace because sorrows and pains were not allowed to enter the pleasureful palace .seeing the misery of old ,the sick and the people walking behind the dead man , Prince Siddhartha cried, “it is enough , mine eyes have seen enough, at the end of his first visit to the city of Kapilvastu , Prince Siddharthasaw an old man .seeing the miseries of old man Prince Siddhartha felt boundless grief in his heart . the poor condition of the old man touched the soft heart of the Prince .in the night the neither took food properly nor soundly because the sight oh the old man was teasing him very much .
Prince Siddhartha , a kind hearted man saw a old man , lying in the dust , crying for the help besides . the bridge
Of the city .during the second visit to the city of Kapilvastu , the poor condition of the sick man moved the heart of Prince Siddhartha with pity . Prince Siddhartha saw that a large number of people were coming and going over the bridge but they had no time to pay their attention towards the man lying in the dust , crying for the help .inspite of hearing the cries of the man they all were unefected with the misery of the sick man . the sight of the sickman gave not only discomfort but also uneasiness to the heart of Prince Siddhartha
At the end of his second visit Prince Siddhartha saw probation of a dead body. he asked channa what they are doing on the bank of river . On hearing the question from the tongue of Prince Siddhartha Channa replied that it was probation of a dead body. In his reply, like philosopher Channa told him that death in the truth of life , nothing of the world is immortal .death like python swallows every living crater if the world . the goal of removed the curtain before the eyes of the prince . On hearing the reply, Prince Siddhartha remarked, “veil is rent which blinded me”.
Since ha had seen the three stages of human life he suddenly called out, it is enough mine eyes have seen enough.
Q4- What were the seven visions seen by Prince Siddhartha in his dream?
Ans- On seeing the miseries of society Prince Siddhartha neither slept soundly nor look comfort in the night king Suddhodhana saw seven horrible vision his dream .they were as following –
(1) A FLAG - In his first vision of his dream Suddhodhana saw a flag .in the middle of the flag there was a golden mark of Indra , suddenly a guest of wind came from the right direction tore the flag and eastern way .
(2) TEN ELEPHANT - In the second vision on his dream king Suddhodhana saw ten elephant .they were rude and Prince Siddhartha was sitting on the most elephant .those elephant were coming from the southern way .
(3) A CAR - A car driven by four horses of white colors was the third vision of the dream seen by king Suddhodhana . in the middle of the chariot Prince Siddhartha was sitting .white smoke was coming out from the nostrils of these horse and home like fire was coming out from their mouth . This was the third vision of the dream .seen by king Suddhodhana .
(4) A WHEEL - A wheel was the fourth vision of the dream of king Suddhodhana. The centre of the wheel was made of gold .the wheel was rotating very fast. at time of rotating the wheel was producing light and sound from its nucleus this was fourth vision of king Suddhodhana .
(5) A HUGE DRUM - In the fifth vision of his dream , king Suddhodhana’ s saw a huge drum which was kept in between the hill and city . having an iron red in his hand Prince Siddhartha was beating the drum bitterly A Thunder voice was coming out from the drum .the people of all over the city were the hearing the thunder voice of the drum . this was the fourth vision of the dream of king Suddhodhana.
(6) A TALL TOWER - In the sixth vision of the dream king Suddhodhana saw a tall tower , Prince Siddhartha was standing on top of the tall tower Prince Siddhartha was throwing precious jewels and thing in all the direction . in all the direction ,people fall over the city were picking precious jewels and thing thrown by the
Prince Siddhartha .
(7) SIX MAN - In the seven vision of his dream king Suddhodhana saw six man . these six man were weeping bittery . this was the seven vision of king Suddhodhana’s dream .
Thus ,in the brief these wer the seven vision seen by king Suddhodhana.
Q5- What was the explanation of seven visions seen by king Suddhodhana in his dream?
Ans - In the next morning when king Suddhodhana awake he though about the seven vision . thinking all about them he realized than some evil accidents were about to be happened in his royal family so he called all the wisest dream readers of his kingdom and presented the seven horrible visions before them them for explanation but the matter of sadness was that there was no wisest dream reader who could explain the meaning of seven horrible visions. At last a saint came to the palace of king Suddhodhana and assured him that seven horrible visions seen by him were seven joys. He explained the meaning of a flag ,ten elephant , a car, the wheel a huge drum, a tall tower and six men as following.
(1) A Flag : - The sent explained the meaning of the flag seen by king shudhodhan is his first vision that the Flag was the mark of old culture and custom. It was the sign of luxury and delight. In this explanation the saint told the king that the old culture and custom would get end and they would be replace with new civilization.
(2) Ten Elephant: - According to the saint, ten elephants, in the second vision of the dream of king Shuddhodhana were the mark of wisdom. With the help of wisdom the prince would leave the kingdom and walk all over the world. He would reward the earth with the power of his wisdom. He could teach the lessons of honesty and truth to the people of the world.
(3) A Car: - The saint explained the meaning of the car driven by four horses of white colour, seen by king Suddhodhana in the third vision of his dream. In the union of the saint the four horses were four feariess virtues. With the help of four fearless virtues the prince would obtain more and more knowledge of the world.
(4) The Wheel: - In the view of the saint, the wheel, seen by king Suddhodhana in his dream was a perfect law. Prince Siddhartha himself would rotate the wheel and teach the lesson of perfect law to the people all over the world.
(5) A Huge Drum: - A huge drum was the fifth vision of the dream of king Suddhodhana. The saint told as the people of the city were hearing the thunder voice coming out from the huge drum, in the same way people all over the world would hear the powerful teachings and preaching’s from the tongue of Prince Siddhartha.
(6) A Tall Tower: - The saint’s explanation about the tall tower seen by king Suddhodhana in the six vision was that, as the people of the world were coming and picking up the precious jewels and jams thrown by Prince Siddhartha from the top of the tall tower in all the directions in the same way people all over the world would come and admit the precious teaching and preaching of Prince Siddhartha.
(7) Six Men: - The saint explained the meaning of six men, weeping bitterly were six chief teacher. Since they all were out knowledge. With the knowledge given by Prince Siddhartha they would also be able to teach the lessons of honesty and truth to the people of the world.
Thus, in nut shell, these were the explanations of seven visions seen by king Shuddhodhana in his dream. The saint warned the king that all these incident would take place with in seven days.