My Struggle For An Education

The English State INSTITUTE of learning

Q1. How did the author (Broker T. Washington) carry out the work assigned to him?

Ans. The author (Mr. Brooker T. Washington) swept the recitation room three times. Then he took a dusting cloth and dusted the room four times. Every piece of furniture was moved and every closet and corner in the room was thoroughly cleaned. In this way he carried out the work assigned to him.

Q2. How and when did Brooker T. Washington reach Richmond?

Ans. Mr. T. Washington covered some distance by walking on foot. He got place in wagons. He requested people to give him lift in cars. Thus he reached Richmond tried, dirty, hungry and penniless.

Q3. Where was the school for the coloured people situated and what was its full name ?

Ans. The author had heard of a great school for the coloured people. It was situated at Hampton in Virginia state of the U.S.A. Its full name was Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute.

Q4. What inspired Washington to go to Hampton Institute?

Ans. Washington heard some labourers in the coal mine talking about a great school for the coloured people. So he decided to go to Hampton Institute.

Q5. What exactly was his college examination and why?

Ans. The sweeping of the room was like a college examination for the author. It was so because his admission depended on it. When he swept the room well, he was admitted.

Q6. ‘Never did I receive an order with more delight.’ Which order Brooker T. Washington is referring to ?

Ans. The head teacher said to Washington, “The adjoining recitation room needs sweeping. Take the broom and sweep it”. This is the order which Washington is referring to. He recived this order with the greatest delight.

Q7. What did Brooker T. Washington do to save money?

Ans. Brooker T. Washington had continued to pass the night under the sidewalk as nobody was ready to give him place to pass the night without payment. In this way he saved the money.

Q8. What message do you get from the lesson ‘ My Struggle for an Education”?

Ans. The lesson ‘My Struggle for an Education’ teaches us that poverty is no bar to success. It shows that nothing is impossible in the world. With determination and efforts we can achieve success in life.

Q9. How did the teacher test the suitability of Brooker to admit him as a student ?

Ans. The teacher asked Brooker to sweep the adjoining recitation room as she was reluctant to admit him as a student.
