The English State INSTITUTE of learning
Short Answer Type Questions
Q1. What were the children selling at a railway station, according to William C. Douglas ? Why were they doing so ?
Ans. The children were selling fans and baskets at the railway station. They were poor refugees who were compelled to earn their living by selling fans and baskets.
Q2. What did William C. Douglas do to know about the real feelings of the people in India ?
Ans. To know about the real feelings of the people in India, William C. Douglas talked to the English – knowing Indians on his journey, He talked about the world politics and the current topics of the day.
Q3. What did the writer do to get a feel of the pulse of the nation ?
Ans. To get a feel of the pulse of the nation, the writer talked to English – knowing Indians on his journey. He talked about the world politics and the current topics of the day.
Q4. Why did the refugee children descend like locusts on the writer ?
Ans. The poor children thought that the American writer was a good customer. Therefore they descended like locust on him to sell their baskets.
Q5. What disturbed the continuity of the writer’s conversations at one of the stations ?
Ans. A one station a group of refugee children surrounded the writer. They were selling baskets. This disturbed the continuity of the writer’s conversation at that station]
Q6. What made the wirter realize that he had given offence by extending the gratuity to the girl as a substitute for not buying the basket ?
Ans. The girl did not accept the writer’s gratuity and returned the money with pride and grace. This made the writer think that his gratuity had offended her.
Q7. What was the plight of the refugees ? What were they doing for a living ?
Ans. The plight of the refugees way very miserable. They had to leave their property and houses in Pakistan. They were without occupation. They were poor, hungry, homeless and jobless. For their living they sold cheap hand-made articles.
Q8. Mention the scene and things the writer saw on his say from Delhi to Ranikhet.
Ans. On his way from Delhi to Ranikhet the writer saw the flooded Ganga, rice fields, jungles, grass, trees, monkeys, village, huts, pumpkins, the refugee children, the baskets, the fans and the girl of nine years.
Short Answer Type Questions
Q1. What were the children selling at a railway station, according to William C. Douglas ? Why were they doing so ?
Ans. The children were selling fans and baskets at the railway station. They were poor refugees who were compelled to earn their living by selling fans and baskets.
Q2. What did William C. Douglas do to know about the real feelings of the people in India ?
Ans. To know about the real feelings of the people in India, William C. Douglas talked to the English – knowing Indians on his journey, He talked about the world politics and the current topics of the day.
Q3. What did the writer do to get a feel of the pulse of the nation ?
Ans. To get a feel of the pulse of the nation, the writer talked to English – knowing Indians on his journey. He talked about the world politics and the current topics of the day.
Q4. Why did the refugee children descend like locusts on the writer ?
Ans. The poor children thought that the American writer was a good customer. Therefore they descended like locust on him to sell their baskets.
Q5. What disturbed the continuity of the writer’s conversations at one of the stations ?
Ans. A one station a group of refugee children surrounded the writer. They were selling baskets. This disturbed the continuity of the writer’s conversation at that station]
Q6. What made the wirter realize that he had given offence by extending the gratuity to the girl as a substitute for not buying the basket ?
Ans. The girl did not accept the writer’s gratuity and returned the money with pride and grace. This made the writer think that his gratuity had offended her.
Q7. What was the plight of the refugees ? What were they doing for a living ?
Ans. The plight of the refugees way very miserable. They had to leave their property and houses in Pakistan. They were without occupation. They were poor, hungry, homeless and jobless. For their living they sold cheap hand-made articles.
Q8. Mention the scene and things the writer saw on his say from Delhi to Ranikhet.
Ans. On his way from Delhi to Ranikhet the writer saw the flooded Ganga, rice fields, jungles, grass, trees, monkeys, village, huts, pumpkins, the refugee children, the baskets, the fans and the girl of nine years.