Short type answer important

Q1. What made Sanku decide that he had no other choice but to steal the watch?

Ans- Sanku was in debt from head to foot. he was to get just eight and a half rupees . He owned twenty. two rupees and thirteen paise . he needed some more money for his child .so he decided to steal the watch as he had no other choice.

Q.2. Why did Sanku decided that he had no other choice but to steal the watch?

Ans - Sanku was a poor worker. his needed were before him . he had no source of earning extra money . loans could not solve his problems as they had to be repaid . he had no peace of mind . so he could not get any sleep for several days .

Q.3. Why did Sanku curse himself?
(OR) How do you know that Sanku loved his wife very much.?

Ans- When Sanku came to know that his wife was pregnant again and another child would come soon , he curse himself because he was unable to support his family and his income was only one rupee per day ?

Q.4. What though troubled the Sanku after committing the theft .

Ans - After committing the theft Sanku was afraid of being caught . he thought that all the workers of the factory would look at him in scorn , he engineer would scold him and he would lose his job .

Q.5. What stopped Sanku from stealing the watch in the beginning?

Ans- Sanku had tried several times to steal the gold watch . but his fear and hesitation stopped him from stealing the watch in the beginning . he was afraid of being seen by someone .

Q.6. What time of the day did Sanku think was the most suitable for stealing the gold watch and Why ?

Ans- Sanku thought that the lunch interval was the most suitable time for stealing the gold watch . it was so because during lunch period everybody would be out for lunch or rest .
