The heritage of india
Short answer
Q1. What did Ram Mohan Roy advocate ?
Ans. Ram Mohan Roy advocated social reform.
Q2. What according to Vivekananda was the highest form of service of the Great Mother ?
Ans. According to Vivekananda the highest form of service of the Great Mother was social service.
Q3. What does the heritage of the India consist of ?
Ans. The heritage of India consists of Hindu culture and its cultural traditions, books like the Gita, the Upanishads, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, love stories of ancient legends and peaceful life.
Q4. What does A.L. Basham mean when he says that “Hindu civilization will retain its continuity” ?
Ans. A.L. Basham was a great admirer of Hindu civilization. It was his firm confiction that it would perish. So he said, “Hindu civilization will retain its continuity”. By this he meant that Hindu civilization would never perish.
Q5. How will Hindu civilization retain its continuity ?
Ans. Hindu civilization will retain its continuity if people study the Gita, the Upanishads, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata and enjoy the love stories of Dushyanta and Shakuntala as well as of Pururava and Urvasi.
Q6. Did Gandhiji believe in the fundaments of the ancient Indian culture ? What is Gandhiji’s contribution to India’s culture ?
Ans. Gandhiji believed in fundaments of the ancient Indian culture. Gandhiji did not like the caste system. He opposed it. He had passionate love for the poor. Thus he gave Indian culture new direction and new life.
Q7. What grounds does the wirter give to prove that ‘Gandhi was much influenced by western ideas ?
Ans. Gandhiji was not a conservative, he was a liberal. His thinking was influenced by the “Sermon on the Mount” and the writings of Tolsoty. His championing of women’s rights was the result of Western influence.
Q8. What contribution did Ram Mohan Roy and Swami Vivekananda make to the India society ?
Ans. Ram Mohan Roy had sounded the theme of social reform with his passionate timbre. Swami Vivekananda repeated the theme of social reform with a more nationalist timbre.