Short Answers Type Questions

Q1. What complaints did Ali make to his grandfather in the lesson ‘The Kite Maker’ ?

Ans. Ali complained his grandfather that he had lost his kite as his kite got stuck in the branches of an ancient banyan tree.

Q2. Why did the old man continue to make kites even when his shop was no longer there ?

Ans. Mahmood had much interest in kite-making. So he continued to make kites for his own amusement and as playthings for his grandson even when his shop was no longer there.

Q3. Describe the characteristics features of the ‘dragon kite’ Mahmood made for Nawab.

Ans. At the request of the Nawab Mahmood had made a very special kind of kite. It consisted of a series of small, very light paper discs trailing on a thin bamboo frame. To the extremity of each disc he tied a sprig of grass for balance.

Q4. How did Ali lose his kite ?

Ans. Ali was flying a kite. His kite was struck in the banyan tree. In this way he lost his kite.

Q5. Name the tree and its location in whose branches little All’s kite was stuck ?

Ans. It was an ancient banyan tree which was grown through the cracks of an abandoned mosque.

Q6. What happned to the dragon kite finally ?

Ans. Finally the dragon kite pulled fiercely n the twine. It could not be handled. It became free when the twine snapped. So it vanished into the sky.

Q7. Why did many people not buy kites ?

Ans. Many people did not buy kites as they had to work hard for earning their daily bread and had no time for kite-flying. Thus the people were busy and did not get time to fly kites.

Q8. What had given Mahmood popularity throughout the city ?

Ans. Mahmood was an expert in making kites. His art of kite- making gave him popularity throughout the city. Once when he fell sick, everyone in the neighbourhood came to ask about his health.

Q9. Describe the characteristic features of the ‘dragon kite’ Mahmood made for Nawab.

Ans. At the request of the Nawab Mahmood had made a very special kind of kite. It consisted of a series of mall, very light paper discs trailing on a thin bamboo frame. To the extremity of each disc he tied a spring of grass of balance.

Q10. How were the great battles fought in kite – flying ?

Ans. The kites swered, swopped in the sky and tangled with each other, until the string of one was cut. Then the beaten but liberated kite would float away into the blue unknown.


Thanks for reading


Anonymous said…
Nice thainks SAR
Unknown said…
Plz answer what was the dragon kite
Unknown said…
How did seeing ali gladden mehmood's heart
Unknown said…
How did Ramesh Chandra guess the age of kite maker?
Anonymous said…
Fuck everyone