Short Answer Type Questions
Q1. What is the secret of health, success and power in life ?
Ans. The secret of health is a pure heart and a well – governed mind. The secret of successes is an unflinching faith and a wisely – directed aim of life. The secret of power is to keep under control with will power the dark horse (evil) of desire.
Q2. How do the trends of your thought as described in ‘The Secret of health, Success and Power’, determine the quality of your life ?
Ans. When we are confined to narrow thoughts and self – interests, our influence and success will be utterly insignificant. Narrow thoughts breed narrow influence and narrow success.
Q3. What is the secret of securing good health ?
Ans. For good health a man should be away from tension. Tension kills our capacity to work. Worrying causes tension. We should do our work without drinking needless details.
Q4. How can a person become great and powerful according to James Allen ?
Ans. According to James Allen a person can becomes great and powerful by attaining health, success and power which come from purity of heart, steady faith and positive thoughts.