albert Einstein at school

Que. 1. Why was Mr Braun speechless for a few moments?
Answer-Mr. Braun was speechless for a moment because he was amazed at Einstein's argument that one can look up facts in books, so there was no need to learn them. It left him speechless because Einstein was a student who believed in understanding facts and going deeper into the subjects

Que 2. What is Einstein's view about education how far do you agree with it?
Answer- Einstein believed learning facts was not education; rather thinking new ideas to solve existing problems was education. For example, instead of learning dates about defeat of the French at Waterloo, he would rather like to learn why those soldiers were trying to kill one another.

Que .3 Why did Albert see no point in learning dates and facts?
Answer: Dates and facts are parts of knowledge which are content based. Albert thought that there was no point in learning dates and facts because firstly, these could be, ascertained from the books any time by just looking them up. Secondly, for him, learning facts was not education

Que 4.What was the history teacher's opinion of Albert?
Answer-The history teacher had a very low opinion of Albert. He called Albert an ungrateful boy who ought to be ashamed of himself. He suggested that Albert should ask his father to take him away from school.

Que.5 Why did Albert feel miserable when he left school that day?
Answer: Albert was punished for his 'insolence' that day He had to stay in for an extra period after the school that day. Albert felt miserable because he hated the school and would have to return there the next day as well.

Long type answer

Que 1 .Relate in your own words what transpired between the history teacher, Mr braun and young Einstein?

Answer-Mr Braun, the history teacher laid stress on learning dates and facts. He repeated them often enough for his students to learn them. Young Albert Einstein was found wanting. He didn't know in what year the Prussians defeated the French at Waterloo.

Que 2 What factors made Einstein's life in munich measurable? what did he realise after six months?

Answer- Einstein found the system of education uninspiring and the teachers, unsympathetic. He had his lodging in the poorest quarters of Munich. The food was bad. Lack of comfort, dirt and squalor made his life miserable.
