A triumph of surgery

Short Answer Type questions

Que.1 what made James Herriot expect a call from Mrs Pumphrey?
Ans- James Herriot's encounter with Mrs Pumphrey and Tricki made him expect a call for help. He was sure that the extra diet and no physical activity would soon put Tricki's health in danger. And just as anticipated, Mrs Pumphrey called the vet a few days afterwards

Que.2 which things did tricki love to eat?
Ans - He liked cream cakes and biscuits very much. Mrs Pumphrey gave him cod-liver oil and Horlicks.

Que.3 what steps were taken by Mrs Pumphrey when she found Tricky a little sick?
Ans- , she started giving him extra meals like malt and cod-liver oil and horlicks to build him up again.

Que.4 Do you think tricki was enjoying his stay at the hospital?
Answer- Yes, He had befriended the gang of shabby household dogs. He had found a new joy in being bowled over, trampled on and squashed. He had also become very energetic

Long type question answer

Que.1 why did tricki fall ill ?
Ans- Tricki, the dog falls ill because he can never say no to food, and his owner an over-indulgent Mrs. Pumphrey would constantly feed him all kinds of food items. This led to Tricki becoming over weight and falling ill.
