The diary of anne Frank


Chapter 4 
From the Diary of Anne frank

Question 1.what does Anne Frank tell about her family in her diary?
Answer- Anne Frank tells that she has very lovely and caring family. Her parents and her elder sister love her a lot. There are about thirty people nearby her whom she can call her friends.

Que.2 Describe about Anne Frank's early education.
Ans- Her earliest education was in a Montessori Lyceum in Amsterdam. After that she was enrolled in a school in Netherlands but soon when Hitler restricted Jews from all activities Anne Frank had to go to a Jewish Lyceum.

Que.3 Describe the parents of Anne Frank.
Ans- Frank's mother was Edith Frank. Her father, Otto Frank, was a lieutenant in the German army during World War I, later becoming a businessman in Germany and the Netherlands. Anne had a sister named Margot, who was three years her senior.

Que.4 Why was Anne's entire class anxious and nervous?
Ans-Anne's entire class was anxious and nervous because their teachers were having a meeting. There they were to decide who would move on to the next class and who would be kept back.
