Footprints without feet

Que.1 How were the people going to the fair?
Ans- The people were going to the fair either on foot, or on horses or in bullockcarts.

Que.3 Why did the child want to suppress his desire?
Ans- The child wanted to suppress his desire because he knew well that  his  parents  would refuse him coldly.

Que.4 Where did they reach after leaving the dusty road?
Ans- After leaving the dusty road, they entered a footpath in a field.

Que.5 why was the boy attracted towards fields?
Ans- The boy was attracted towards the fields because they were in full bloom with pale mustard flowers. Beautiful butterflies and other insects were hovering there.

Que.2 Why did the parents call the child?
Answer: The parents called the child because he had lagged behind on a toy shop .

Long type

Que. Describe the landlord's and his wife's experience with the strange scientist.
Ans- In this story, the landlord and his wife, "Mr. and Mrs. Hall", had a surprising like experience with the strange scientist. The couple was surprised because the scientists' room's door would usually be locked but this time it wasn't. When they peeked inside the room they found it empty. They saw the scientists clothes and bandages. Suddenly she was attacked by the hat on the bedpost and the chair over there pushed them out of the room. Upon witnessing such a sight they found the room to be haunted of some sort.
