The last lesson

Class-12 English (flamingo)
Lesson-1  The Last lesson

Que.1 What was the bulletin-board? How was it important?
Ans-The bulletin board was the carrier of all the bad news fir the district of Alsace and Lorraine. That day also the bulletin board carried the information that german will be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.

Que.2 What did M. Hamel say when Franz reached to the school?
Ans-He was late for school and thought that M Hamel would scold him. But, to his surprise, M Hamel spoke very kindly to him and-invited him in.

Que.3 What did M. Hamel speak first in the class that day about the last lesson?
Answer: M. Hamel told the people in his class that French was the most beautiful, the clearest and the most logical language in the world. He advised them to guard it among themselves and never to forget it because it would prove to be the key to their prison when they were I enslaved.

Que.4 What did Franz think after hearing about the last lesson?
Ans- He felt very guilty for deliberately ignoring to learn his native language and he suddenly developed a strange fascination for his language and his school.

Que.5 Did Franz recite the participles? How?
Ans-Yes,He wished he could recite his lesson flawlessly and would have given anything to be able to do so. he mixed upat very first word and stood there feeling guilty.

Que.6 Whom did M. Hamel blame for the ignorance in studies? Why?
Ans- M. Hamel blamed the parents for the neglect of learning on the part of boys like Franz because their parents wanted them to work on farm to earn some money. Franz himself wanted to enjoy his time and thus, avoided going to school.

Que.7 What did M. Hamel say about the language and its importance?
Ans- according to M.Hamel was the most beautiful language in the world- the clearest, the most logical. He explained how one's language can serve as a ray of hope in times of enslavement and work as a key to their prson.


Q1. The people? in this story suddenly realise how1 precious their language is to them. What shows you this? Why does this happen?
Ans: M. Hamel told the students and villagers that henceforth only German would be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. Those who called themselves Frenchmen would neither be able to speak nor write it. He praised French as the most beautiful, the clearest and most logical language in the world. He said that for the enslaved people, their language was the key to their prison. Then the people realised how precious their language was to them. This shows people’s love for their own culture, traditions and country. Pride in one’s language reflects pride in the motherland.

Q2. Franz thinks, “Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeonsT’ What could this mean?(There could he more than one answer.)
Ans: This comment of Franz shows a Frenchman’s typical reaction to the imposition of learning German, the language of the conquerors. Being deprived of the learning of mother tongue would mean cutting off all bonds with the motherland. Teaching the pigeons to sing in German indicates how far the Germans would go in their attempts of linguistic chauvinism.
